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26 Dec 2023 • 5 minutes




Our client, a large insurance broker with operations in 11 countries, sought our expertise to penetrate the Southeast Asian online insurance market. This case study highlights our strategic approach and the role we played in their successful market entry.


Our client, a large insurance broker with operations in 11 countries, sought our expertise to penetrate the Southeast Asian online insurance market. This case study highlights our strategic approach and the role we played in their successful market entry.


The client aimed to expand into Southeast Asia's online insurance sector, a market where they had no previous experience. But before doing things big, they needed to test the waters. That's where we stepped in.
Our mission was to identify in-demand products and effective promotion strategies. Key metrics were also essential for making launch decisions.


The client aimed to expand into Southeast Asia's online insurance sector, a market where they had no previous experience. But before doing things big, they needed to test the waters. That's where we stepped in.
Our mission was to identify in-demand products and effective promotion strategies. Key metrics were also essential for making launch decisions.


We conducted product research and created a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for the insurance service.
The process involved several stages:

1. Comprehensive Market Analysis
Conducted a thorough analysis of global and local market leaders to identify trends and competitive dynamics.
Differentiated between the nuances of Southeast Asian and global markets.

2. Custom MVP Development
Designed and developed a Minimum Viable Product that simulated real insurance scenarios.
Ensured the MVP provided an authentic experience to gather genuine user responses.

3. Data-Driven Strategy Implementation
Defined and tracked critical metrics: Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), Conversion Rate (CR), and Average Order Value (AOV).
Used the MVP to test market hypotheses and gather vital user data for informed decision-making.


We conducted product research and created a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for the insurance service.
The process involved several stages:

1. Comprehensive Market Analysis
Conducted a thorough analysis of global and local market leaders to identify trends and competitive dynamics.
Differentiated between the nuances of Southeast Asian and global markets.

2. Custom MVP Development
Designed and developed a Minimum Viable Product that simulated real insurance scenarios.
Ensured the MVP provided an authentic experience to gather genuine user responses.

3. Data-Driven Strategy Implementation
Defined and tracked critical metrics: Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), Conversion Rate (CR), and Average Order Value (AOV).
Used the MVP to test market hypotheses and gather vital user data for informed decision-making.


The MVP testing provided valuable insights, revealing metrics for CR, CAC, and AOV.

This enabled us to:
  • assess the economic viability of the proposed insurance products
  • identify the paying target audience
  • assist our clients in making informed decisions about launching suitable insurance services in the Southeast Asian market


The MVP testing provided valuable insights, revealing metrics for CR, CAC, and AOV.

This enabled us to:
  • assess the economic viability of the proposed insurance products
  • identify the paying target audience
  • assist our clients in making informed decisions about launching suitable insurance services in the Southeast Asian market
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