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16 Feb 2024 • 5 minutes


In the development and implementation of 1C-based solutions, there are usually 2-3 iterations of requirement agreements between clients and developers. Our client, a 1C integration company, came up with an idea to reduce the number of iterations and speed up the process.


In the development and implementation of 1C-based solutions, there are usually 2-3 iterations of requirement agreements between clients and developers. Our client, a 1C integration company, came up with an idea to reduce the number of iterations and speed up the process.


The primary obstacle was the intricate process of capturing and aligning on development requirements with clients. The standard process of gathering client requirements led to multiple rounds of agreements, each iteration adding to the overall project cost and duration.

The bottleneck was also the lack of suitable tools for prototyping 1C-based solutions. Existing prototyping services, while effective for web and application design, fell short when it came to addressing the specific needs of 1C integrations. The absence of visual aids in technical specifications often led to misunderstandings and misaligned expectations, necessitating further revisions and consuming valuable developer time.


The primary obstacle was the intricate process of capturing and aligning on development requirements with clients. The standard process of gathering client requirements led to multiple rounds of agreements, each iteration adding to the overall project cost and duration.

The bottleneck was also the lack of suitable tools for prototyping 1C-based solutions. Existing prototyping services, while effective for web and application design, fell short when it came to addressing the specific needs of 1C integrations. The absence of visual aids in technical specifications often led to misunderstandings and misaligned expectations, necessitating further revisions and consuming valuable developer time.


Our client suggested creating a prototyping program specifically designed for 1C. This would allow business analysts to independently draft the interface in a visual editor, while programmers would receive technical specifications with clear requirements.

The Workflow was as follows:

Initial MVP Launch
To address these challenges, we used the MVP approach in this project: launched the first version in 2 months and collected user feedback. The first MVP version was a service where users created forms from ready-made elements. Technically, it was purely a frontend application. The form was stored locally on the user's browser.

Our design strategy took inspiration from established prototyping tools like Axure and Figma, with a focus on identifying essential components for 1C forms. By leveraging Google's Material UI kit, we were able to rapidly design a user-friendly interface that mirrored the 1C development environment, enhancing familiarity and ease of use.

Internal Testing
The initial MVP underwent internal testing, revealing the necessity for features such as authentication and prototype sharing. The invaluable feedback gathered from the client’s employees shaped the development of the next version of the MVP.

The second version included the following features:
  • authorization,
  • project organization,
  • comment functionality,
  • clickable prototypes,
  • shared access,
  • automatic language translation capabilities.

For the MVP, we applied a serverless approach. Instead of a backend, we used Google Firebase cloud platform. This technical solution saved developers 40% of their time. The frontend application was written in React.


Our client suggested creating a prototyping program specifically designed for 1C. This would allow business analysts to independently draft the interface in a visual editor, while programmers would receive technical specifications with clear requirements.

The Workflow was as follows:

Initial MVP Launch
To address these challenges, we used the MVP approach in this project: launched the first version in 2 months and collected user feedback. The first MVP version was a service where users created forms from ready-made elements. Technically, it was purely a frontend application. The form was stored locally on the user's browser.

Our design strategy took inspiration from established prototyping tools like Axure and Figma, with a focus on identifying essential components for 1C forms. By leveraging Google's Material UI kit, we were able to rapidly design a user-friendly interface that mirrored the 1C development environment, enhancing familiarity and ease of use.

Internal Testing
The initial MVP underwent internal testing, revealing the necessity for features such as authentication and prototype sharing. The invaluable feedback gathered from the client’s employees shaped the development of the next version of the MVP.

The second version included the following features:
  • authorization,
  • project organization,
  • comment functionality,
  • clickable prototypes,
  • shared access,
  • automatic language translation capabilities.

For the MVP, we applied a serverless approach. Instead of a backend, we used Google Firebase cloud platform. This technical solution saved developers 40% of their time. The frontend application was written in React.


The launch of the service was a success, attracting 268 users and receiving its first payments within a month. Promotion through free channels tapped into the unmet demand in the 1C market for new productivity tools. The product's ability to streamline the requirement agreement process and reduce iterations proved to be in high demand, marking a significant achievement for both our client and the wider 1C integration community.


The launch of the service was a success, attracting 268 users and receiving its first payments within a month. Promotion through free channels tapped into the unmet demand in the 1C market for new productivity tools. The product's ability to streamline the requirement agreement process and reduce iterations proved to be in high demand, marking a significant achievement for both our client and the wider 1C integration community.
After the launch, we continued to enhance our service

The following improvements were made:

  • Form templates. Many 1C solutions are standard, so templates speed up the prototyping process.
  • We introduced three pricing plans with varying features:
  1. Basic,
  2. Professional,
  3. Corporate.

Both freelance programmers and large companies engage in integrating 1C solutions. The tiered pricing plans allowed us to offer attractive options tailored to different target audiences.

  • Service payments can now be made through the purchase of pin codes.
  • For corporate clients, we added the ability to create an organization and manage users.
After the launch, we continued to enhance our service

The following improvements were made:

  • Form templates. Many 1C solutions are standard, so templates speed up the prototyping process.
  • We introduced three pricing plans with varying features:
  1. Basic,
  2. Professional,
  3. Corporate.

Both freelance programmers and large companies engage in integrating 1C solutions. The tiered pricing plans allowed us to offer attractive options tailored to different target audiences.

  • Service payments can now be made through the purchase of pin codes.
  • For corporate clients, we added the ability to create an organization and manage users.
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