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22 Feb 2024 • 4 minutes


Frontliner is an innovative assessment and training service designed to automate the qualification verification process for frontline staff. It offers professional knowledge testing and training courses intending to streamline the hiring and skill validation processes across various industries.


Frontliner is an innovative assessment and training service designed to automate the qualification verification process for frontline staff. It offers professional knowledge testing and training courses intending to streamline the hiring and skill validation processes across various industries.


The digital revolution has changed the processes of hiring and training employees. Automated testing and online courses have become the norm. However, this typically applies only to office workers.

But what about "blue-collar" workers?

They remained largely underserved, leading to inefficient mass interviewing and onboarding processes, high expenses, and the risk of hiring inadequately skilled workers.


The digital revolution has changed the processes of hiring and training employees. Automated testing and online courses have become the norm. However, this typically applies only to office workers.

But what about "blue-collar" workers?

They remained largely underserved, leading to inefficient mass interviewing and onboarding processes, high expenses, and the risk of hiring inadequately skilled workers.


Leveraging the MVP approach, Frontliner developed a scalable, cost-effective platform capable of automating the assessment and training process for frontline workers. The solution was strategically rolled out in phases, focusing on the most critical functionalities first, to quickly meet market demands and gather user feedback for continuous improvement.

A product-centric strategy was implemented to:

- Measure key performance metrics,
- Collect user feedback,
- Flexibly adapt to refine the product offering.

The Workflow included the following:

Prototype Development and Testing
Initially, Frontliner focused on creating a functional prototype to test the market's appetite for such a service. The prototype featured:

- A user-friendly interface for testing,
- A results dashboard,
- A personal account for workers to track progress and access training materials.

This phase allowed Frontliner to gather invaluable feedback from potential clients, confirming the demand for a comprehensive digital assessment and training solution.

Product Discovery
Conducting thorough market research and technology exploration helped prioritize features that address the core needs of Frontliner's target audience.

Functionality Development for Marketplaces
Special features were developed to facilitate the use of Frontliner by service marketplaces, enhancing the transparency and reliability of hiring processes.

The contractor receives an email from the marketplace, inviting them to take a professional qualification test.

They follow the link to Frontliner and answer the questions. After that, their marketplace profile shows that this contractor has verified their knowledge.

Enterprise Solution Development
The service was expanded to cater to enterprises hiring frontline staff, offering a comprehensive assessment and training solution. We developed functionality for company use: an employee's personal account, a learning platform, and a dashboard for the manager to monitor results.


Leveraging the MVP approach, Frontliner developed a scalable, cost-effective platform capable of automating the assessment and training process for frontline workers. The solution was strategically rolled out in phases, focusing on the most critical functionalities first, to quickly meet market demands and gather user feedback for continuous improvement.

A product-centric strategy was implemented to:

- Measure key performance metrics,
- Collect user feedback,
- Flexibly adapt to refine the product offering.

The Workflow included the following:

Prototype Development and Testing
Initially, Frontliner focused on creating a functional prototype to test the market's appetite for such a service. The prototype featured:

- A user-friendly interface for testing,
- A results dashboard,
- A personal account for workers to track progress and access training materials.

This phase allowed Frontliner to gather invaluable feedback from potential clients, confirming the demand for a comprehensive digital assessment and training solution.

Product Discovery
Conducting thorough market research and technology exploration helped prioritize features that address the core needs of Frontliner's target audience.

Functionality Development for Marketplaces
Special features were developed to facilitate the use of Frontliner by service marketplaces, enhancing the transparency and reliability of hiring processes.

The contractor receives an email from the marketplace, inviting them to take a professional qualification test.

They follow the link to Frontliner and answer the questions. After that, their marketplace profile shows that this contractor has verified their knowledge.

Enterprise Solution Development
The service was expanded to cater to enterprises hiring frontline staff, offering a comprehensive assessment and training solution. We developed functionality for company use: an employee's personal account, a learning platform, and a dashboard for the manager to monitor results.


In creating the Frontliner service, we tested the demand with the prototype, conducted product discovery, and made an MVP version of the product. The service development continues.

The prototype was created in 6 weeks, and developing functionality for collaboration with B2B clients and marketplaces took 6 months. Currently, the service has 38 tests for 9 specialties. Thousands of workers have been tested!


In creating the Frontliner service, we tested the demand with the prototype, conducted product discovery, and made an MVP version of the product. The service development continues.

The prototype was created in 6 weeks, and developing functionality for collaboration with B2B clients and marketplaces took 6 months. Currently, the service has 38 tests for 9 specialties. Thousands of workers have been tested!
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