In e-commerce, variable costs are delivery expenses. They include all expenses from purchasing goods from suppliers to their return by customers.
- COGS — Cost of Goods Sold.
- Delivery from suppliers.
- Acquiring.
- Collection and packaging.
- Delivery to customers.
- Return costs.
COST OF GOODS SOLDThis includes the cost of goods from the supplier or the expense of materials and labor if you manufacture the goods yourself.
DELIVERY FROM SUPPLIERSDelivery is often thought of as only the cost of shipping to the customer, but it also includes expenses for transportation from the supplier, such as packaging, loading, and logistics. If you don't have your own warehouse, it also includes storage rental.
ACQUIRINGTo receive payments, you need to pay for acquiring services. The average merchant processing fee is 2%.
COLLECTION AND PACKAGINGThese expenses could be included in "delivery to the customer," but typically different people handle collection and delivery.
DELIVERY TO CUSTOMERSThis is the second-largest expense after the cost of goods. There are two ways to account for it. The first is to include delivery costs in the product price, excluding them from variable expenses. The second is to calculate delivery costs separately, based on the product's weight and the distance to the customer.
RETURN COSTSReturns are a natural part of the sales cycle, including transportation costs and handling return requests. On average, 15% of the product cost is allocated for this.