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15 March 2024 • 3 minutes

MySwimEdge – Tech Solution for Enhanced Swim Training

MySwimEdge – Tech Solution for Enhanced Swim Training


MySwimEdge is a technology company that transformed swimming training through the development of an innovative sensor system. This system, designed in collaboration with Italian engineers, leverages gyroscopes and oximeters to digitalize swimming movements, offering coaches real-time insights to enhance training effectiveness.


MySwimEdge is a technology company that transformed swimming training through the development of an innovative sensor system. This system, designed in collaboration with Italian engineers, leverages gyroscopes and oximeters to digitalize swimming movements, offering coaches real-time insights to enhance training effectiveness.


The vision came from a client with a deep passion for swimming and an extensive background at McKinsey. They sought to bring a patented mathematical algorithm into the modern sporting context. The primary challenge was integrating this sophisticated algorithm with advanced sensors to accurately measure swimming dynamics. The goal was ambitious: to merge traditional coaching techniques with modern technology for more efficient training sessions.


The vision came from a client with a deep passion for swimming and an extensive background at McKinsey. They sought to bring a patented mathematical algorithm into the modern sporting context. The primary challenge was integrating this sophisticated algorithm with advanced sensors to accurately measure swimming dynamics. The goal was ambitious: to merge traditional coaching techniques with modern technology for more efficient training sessions.


The sensor that could be worn by swimmers during training utilizes data from gyroscopes and oximeters to digitalize the swimmer's movements, capturing detailed data on limb movement and speed. The system then processes this data through the proprietary algorithm, allowing coaches to access a detailed analysis of the swimmer's performance.

We focused on creating an intuitive user flow, ensuring that:

  • Coaches can easily select swimmers and assign specific training tasks.
  • The sensor records data seamlessly from the start to the end of a session.
  • At the end of a session, coaches can review the data, focusing on key metrics like limb movements and speed, and provide direct feedback through the app.

To validate the feasibility of this complex system, an initial proof of concept was developed.

This early version demonstrated the capability to extract data from the sensor and present it in an easily interpretable format, including PDFs with graphical data visualizations. Following this validation, we developed an app specifically for coaches, simplifying the training and feedback process.


The sensor that could be worn by swimmers during training utilizes data from gyroscopes and oximeters to digitalize the swimmer's movements, capturing detailed data on limb movement and speed. The system then processes this data through the proprietary algorithm, allowing coaches to access a detailed analysis of the swimmer's performance.

We focused on creating an intuitive user flow, ensuring that:

  • Coaches can easily select swimmers and assign specific training tasks.
  • The sensor records data seamlessly from the start to the end of a session.
  • At the end of a session, coaches can review the data, focusing on key metrics like limb movements and speed, and provide direct feedback through the app.
To validate the feasibility of this complex system, an initial proof of concept was developed.

This early version demonstrated the capability to extract data from the sensor and present it in an easily interpretable format, including PDFs with graphical data visualizations. Following this validation, we developed an app specifically for coaches, simplifying the training and feedback process.


We successfully launched the product. The app, paired with sensors, transformed the way coaches analyze swimmers' performance, providing real-time insights into training efficiency and potential areas for improvement. The application underwent testing with several Italian Olympic teams and was effectively brought to market.

Coaches now have a powerful tool at their disposal to enhance training outcomes, tailored specifically to each swimmer's technique and performance.


We successfully launched the product. The app, paired with sensors, transformed the way coaches analyze swimmers' performance, providing real-time insights into training efficiency and potential areas for improvement. The application underwent testing with several Italian Olympic teams and was effectively brought to market.

Coaches now have a powerful tool at their disposal to enhance training outcomes, tailored specifically to each swimmer's technique and performance.
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