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13 Feb 2024 • 5 minutes


Our client is recognized as one of the leading travel companies globally. In an era where remote work is rapidly gaining prominence, the client realised the need to innovate and adapt its offerings to meet the evolving demands of the modern workforce. This vision led to the exploration of a unique market segment - travel experiences specifically designed for remote workers.


Our client is recognized as one of the leading travel companies globally. In an era where remote work is rapidly gaining prominence, the client realised the need to innovate and adapt its offerings to meet the evolving demands of the modern workforce. This vision led to the exploration of a unique market segment - travel experiences specifically designed for remote workers.


The rise of remote work has significantly changed work and leisure environment. The client identified an opportunity in this shift – the potential demand for specialized tours for individuals who blend work with travel. The challenge was to determine whether there was a genuine market for such a concept and to understand the specific needs and preferences of this new segment of travelers.


The rise of remote work has significantly changed work and leisure environment. The client identified an opportunity in this shift – the potential demand for specialized tours for individuals who blend work with travel. The challenge was to determine whether there was a genuine market for such a concept and to understand the specific needs and preferences of this new segment of travelers.


To tackle this challenge, the client initiated a comprehensive Product Discovery process in collaboration with MVP Lab.
The approach involved several key steps:

Market Analysis and Competitor Review
The team conducted an in-depth analysis of the market to understand the size and dynamics of the remote working population.
This involved:
  • examining the freelance market,
  • average salaries,
  • the current trends in remote work.

Exploring Existing Market Offerings
The main part of the process was to investigate existing travel options and how they might be adapted to suit the needs of remote workers. This exploration revealed a significant gap in the market for a dedicated "Tour for Remote Workers."

Developing and Testing Hypotheses
The key hypothesis was that remote workers and freelancers would be interested in tours that offer coworking facilities in a hotel setting. To test this, TUI designed a targeted landing page, set up detailed analytics, and created diverse marketing creatives. A quiz survey was also employed to refine the understanding of potential customers' preferences.

Customer Interviews
In-depth interviews with interested participants were conducted to find out their specific needs. This included understanding their work and leisure balance preferences, accommodation needs, travel companions, and desired destinations.


To tackle this challenge, the client initiated a comprehensive Product Discovery process in collaboration with MVP Lab.
The approach involved several key steps:

Market Analysis and Competitor Review
The team conducted an in-depth analysis of the market to understand the size and dynamics of the remote working population.
This involved:
  • examining the freelance market,
  • average salaries,
  • the current trends in remote work.

Exploring Existing Market Offerings
The main part of the process was to investigate existing travel options and how they might be adapted to suit the needs of remote workers. This exploration revealed a significant gap in the market for a dedicated "Tour for Remote Workers."

Developing and Testing Hypotheses
The key hypothesis was that remote workers and freelancers would be interested in tours that offer coworking facilities in a hotel setting. To test this, TUI designed a targeted landing page, set up detailed analytics, and created diverse marketing creatives. A quiz survey was also employed to refine the understanding of potential customers' preferences.

Customer Interviews
In-depth interviews with interested participants were conducted to find out their specific needs. This included understanding their work and leisure balance preferences, accommodation needs, travel companions, and desired destinations.


To tackle this challenge, the client initiated a comprehensive Product Discovery process in collaboration with MVP Lab.
The approach involved several key steps:

Market Analysis and Competitor Review
The team conducted an in-depth analysis of the market to understand the size and dynamics of the remote working population.
This involved:
  • examining the freelance market,
  • average salaries,
  • the current trends in remote work.

Exploring Existing Market Offerings
The main part of the process was to investigate existing travel options and how they might be adapted to suit the needs of remote workers. This exploration revealed a significant gap in the market for a dedicated "Tour for Remote Workers."

Developing and Testing Hypotheses
The key hypothesis was that remote workers and freelancers would be interested in tours that offer coworking facilities in a hotel setting. To test this, TUI designed a targeted landing page, set up detailed analytics, and created diverse marketing creatives. A quiz survey was also employed to refine the understanding of potential customers' preferences.

Customer Interviews
In-depth interviews with interested participants were conducted to find out their specific needs. This included understanding their work and leisure balance preferences, accommodation needs, travel companions, and desired destinations.


The Product Discovery process yielded valuable insights, shaping TUI's approach to this new market segment:

  • A clear understanding of the decision-making patterns and expectations of potential customers regarding services, duration, and pricing for remote work tours.
  • Identification of key customer segments and their specific needs, such as the necessity for coworking spaces, reliable internet, and suitable accommodation arrangements.
  • Development of unique selling propositions (USPs) that resonated with the target audience.
  • Economic feasibility analysis, providing TUI with a clear picture of the project's potential profitability and scalability.


The Product Discovery process yielded valuable insights, shaping TUI's approach to this new market segment:

  • A clear understanding of the decision-making patterns and expectations of potential customers regarding services, duration, and pricing for remote work tours.
  • Identification of key customer segments and their specific needs, such as the necessity for coworking spaces, reliable internet, and suitable accommodation arrangements.
  • Development of unique selling propositions (USPs) that resonated with the target audience.
  • Economic feasibility analysis, providing TUI with a clear picture of the project's potential profitability and scalability.


This comprehensive Product Discovery initiative allowed TUI to confidently approach the market with a well-researched and targeted product. It highlighted the importance of understanding customer needs and market dynamics, ultimately enabling TUI to innovate in line with emerging trends in the travel and remote work sectors. This proactive approach not only promises to cater to a growing segment but also positions TUI as a forward-thinking leader in the travel industry.


This comprehensive Product Discovery initiative allowed TUI to confidently approach the market with a well-researched and targeted product. It highlighted the importance of understanding customer needs and market dynamics, ultimately enabling TUI to innovate in line with emerging trends in the travel and remote work sectors. This proactive approach not only promises to cater to a growing segment but also positions TUI as a forward-thinking leader in the travel industry.
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